Monday, October 24, 2011

Not Happening in the Classroom

After 1 hour in the classroom, the Tawawami School pre-schoolers'  interest in the days of the week, numbers 1-10, the weather, the words sun, sunny, and rain started to wane.  Decided to take the classroom outside, so they could draw the lesson instead. Ah, success and attentiveness - students that are engaged in the activity introduced can create magic!  Please take note of the need for supplies - crayons, pencils, and paper.  Anyone interested in a project?


  1. Hello my dear friend, FINALLY got my act together to find and post, just not sure if they get to you?? Love the pictures, love the running club, love the outside stuff..only you! I miss you terribly, but am so inspired by you, as always! Love you tons, Kathy

  2. okay, apparently I am not that good at this posting yet, since I have "MJ" said..I will revise!!

  3. 4A just viewed your blog. They want to know if you are really writing at 4:00 in the morning!! What is a secondary student? Do the students know what paper, crayons and pencils are?What do you eat?

  4. 3A wants to know if you cut your hair? Have you seen any wild animals? Lions and tigers and bears oh my!! Do the children celebrate Halloween there? Do your students behave?What do you eat? Do the students go on to college after your school? We really miss you!! Did you get your power back yet!

  5. Good Morning here/Afternoon there ... Sis
    On it with the school supplies.
    Send me the adress again ... yupe your DAH! sister lost it AGAIN !
    Hope the power is back on by the time you receive this. Looking at those bright faces and knowing what they are up against ... thankfully you're there with the passion and "GO TO" attitude. Loving you for the giving heart.
    Tried calling Sunday ... will try again ... your eveing/night.
    Be well. Bih hug ... Sis

  6. 1B wants to know how you take a bath? How do you get water? Do you have paper and where does it come from? Do the students have their own books? Do they have police officers in the town? Is there a lot of pollution? What food do you eat? If someone gets hurt do they have hospitals?

  7. I think a great idea is for my preschool class to be the "twin" class for your students..we could have so much fun throughout the year..what do you think? I think it would be an awesome experience, especially for my students and their parents
    Great pictures, they warm my heart
    Be safe

  8. MJ. Love looking at your blog everyday when I get home from HC. It certainly puts the world into proper perspective. The kids are terrific, and so is their teacher. I have tons of pencils, paper, and notebooks. I have been hoarding these and waiting for a good cause to donate them. (I visit the 1 cent sales at Staples quite often) Well, now I know where the supplies can best be used. 6B will also get plenty of crayons. Can we pack them up and send them to the address that Michelle has? Is that the quickest way for you to receive them? As soon as I find out ... we will get them shipped to you and the kids. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Take care!

  9. Mary Jane,

    These photos are great. You are doing incredible work. I am proud of you!

