Sunday, December 4, 2011

Black and Blue!

The human tsetse fly flag!
Black and blue flag found in the Serengeti to ward off the tsetse fly.

Yes, black and blue, but the only thing bruised was my ignorance!  Evidently, it was discovered that the colors black and blue attract the tsetse fly, and flags are placed throughout the Serengeti to protect both animals and visitors. This blood sucking fly is confined to very few belts of the northeastern Serengeti.  

Note the colors that I chose to wear from my limited wardrobe that I packed for my mission.  In truth, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have the opportunity to travel to the beautiful Serengeti plains.  Evidently, this is why the color khaki is a popular choice for safari and wilderness clothes.  Luckily, I wasn't bugged by the bug! (okay - insect)

Hey, you learn something new everyday!


  1. WOW! What an education...for you and for US seeing your pictures! If I ever have Tse-tse Flies as a question in Trivial Pursuit I'll know the answer. Does anyone still play Trivial Pursuit...
    Be well! Liz

  2. Not only are you an excellent writer, but now a comedian! Honestly, are there any limits to Maryjane Gallo?
    Be safe
